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Instructional Design in ONline learning

Week 1:

Pre-Planning: To get started in developing an online course, I started thinking about background information to help me plan.

  • Applying backwards design - Using the 3 Column Table and UbD to create significant learning environments

  • Learning and Teaching theories - Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, Connectivism (discussed in my learning philosophy)

  • Learners - 3rd grade students in San Antonio, TX.

  • Online teaching experience - I have experience with blended learning as a teacher and student, but have only experienced a completely online course as a student. I have LMS experience in Google Classroom, Schoology, and BlackBoard.



  • Introduction - As part of the social studies curriculum, students study entrepreneurship in regards to the United States free enterprise system. They learn about supply and demand, scarcity, production of product(s), profit, and identify entrepreneurs who have started businesses in Texas.

  • Learning Goal - Learners will design a business plan based on their knowledge of entrepreneurs and economics in order to recognize that they are real entrepreneurs who can construct meaningful products for their community.

  • Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)- 3rd Grade State Standards:

    • SS 3.6- The student understands the concept of the free enterprise system and how businesses operate in the U.S. free enterprise system.

    • SS 3.6A- Explain how supply and demand affect the price of a good or service

    • SS 3.6B- Define and identify examples of scarcity.

    • SS 3.6C- Explain how the cost of production and selling price affect profits.

    • SS 3.6D- Identify individuals, past and present, such as Henry Ford and Sam Walton, who have started new businesses.

  • Desired Results - Learners design a business plan (idea, goal set, production, marketing, reflecting) to plan and organize a service/product that is meaningful to them and their community. 

  • Audience - 3rd grade students

  • Outline - Outline using previously created 3 Column Table​

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Week 2 & 3:
Course Design Tool & Course Organization

     For this course, I have decided to use Schoology since that is the learning management system (LMS) that my district uses. Schoology is an online LMS that provides students and teachers a user-friendly way of integrating online learning in an engaging way.  Schoology will allow me to organize my course in a way that is easily accessible for my students and their parents!


This course is organized as follows: 

Announcement (At the top of your screen) - This section displays your Unit Calendar, Zoom Lesson Link, and Contact Information for Miss Salinas. 


Materials - This section holds all resources, assignments, and materials for this course. This is where you will spend the majority of your time in Schoology.


Class Information - Getting Started Information, 3rd Grade Syllabus, Unit Information, and Unit Calendar can be found in this folder. 


Weekly Folders - This is where you will find the weekly activities, videos, and assignments. You will progress through 5 weeks in this Entrepreneurship Unit. 


  • Each Weekly Folder is divided into Daily Folders. On Monday of that week, you will complete the assignments in the Monday Folder. On Tuesday, you will complete the assignments in the Tuesday Folder, etc. 

  • Each daily assignment is due no later than 11:59pm. This is important to remember so you or your child does not get behind on daily assignments. 

  • Weekly Learning Goals are displayed on the Unit Calendar in the Announcement on the top of your Schoology Page. 

  • Each weeks' activities in the unit may consist of the following items (all weeks do not include all components): 

    • Readings may consist of news articles, textbook pages, PDF's, or Google Slides. 

    • Zoom Lessons will address concepts and assignment details. 

    • Assignments will be carried out independently or in small groups. 

    • Discussion Posts will take place in the discussion board. Students are required to type in complete sentences, and have a minimum of 5 complete sentences. 

    • Assignments will encompass quizzes, short instructional videos, projects, discussion posts, reflections, etc.


Resources - Additional resources, materials, website links, and frequently accessed technology support materials will be located in this folder. 


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Students will join for our daily social studies lesson via in-person instruction or Zoom (parent’s choice per 9 week grading period). Our daily social studies Zoom is at 10:55am. If a student is unable to attend in-person or via Zoom, they must watch the recording of that lesson. Miss Salinas will update them on assignment instructions/due dates if needed. 


     During the social studies lessons Miss Salinas will go over course content planned according to unit TEKS. At the end of the lesson, Miss Salinas will go over assignment instructions, expectations, and answer any questions students may have. All assignments will be provided on Schoology LMS (for both in-person and virtual students). 

Week 4:
Planning Future ONline Courses​

3rd Grade Representing Multiplication Unit - I think this unit would be a great math unit to redesign into an online unit! I can see how, interactive google slides, online manipulatives, and video lessons can take this unit to the next level! Students could represent and show their learning in so many different ways that would address multiple DOK areas. This is something I think could be way more challenging, interactive, and engaging for students in such a vital unit of 3rd grade. 

3rd Grade Data Analysis Unit - I also think our data analysis unit could be a great unit to redesign into a digital unit. There are so many great websites and online tools to help students make graphs. Students could even create their own surveys, graph them, and present their findings. This could have great possibilities to make learning hands-on and address real world problems that are important to them!

Week 5:
Reflection and analysis of online learning

     I am a third year teacher in San Antonio, TX. I taught 3rd grade for two years, and I will now be teaching 5th grade. In our district, we utilize Google Suite Apps (Gmail, Google Docs, Google Slides, etc.) and we utilize Schoology as our Learning Management System (LMS).

     I decided to create a hybrid learning course in Schoology. This course focuses on our 3rd grade, Social Studies Entrepreneurship Unit. Students will be guided through different assignments, activities, and projects to show their understanding of the United States free enterprise system. They will learn about: supply and demand, production of goods and services, the business model, and entrepreneurs who have made an impact in Texas. 


Instructional Design Theories 

     I believe that there are a couple different instructional design theories that lend themselves to developing a course that is suitable for online learning. Constructivism and connectivism are the main theories that connect with modern education. With constructivism, learners are able to share their experiences with one another while the teacher’s role shifts to a facilitator of learning. Connectivism allows learners to be involved in online networks, internet use, and a community to reach their goals. According to Tony Bates (2016), knowledge management is an important skill because academic knowledge and skills-based knowledge are both needed to be successful. I believe my 3rd grade entrepreneurship unit course is based heavily on constructivism and connectivism since students are making connections and using their skills to make sense of their own learning. 


UbD Plan Implementation 

     When creating my online course, I spent some time studying the Understanding by Design (UbD) Template as a way to develop courses and units. I appreciate that it truly guides you to plan backwards with the Unit Outcomes in mind. Using the UbD Template, I was able to give deep thought and planning into ensuring my outcomes/goals, assignments, and assessments are aligned. The UbD Template is very similar to our District Provided “Unit at a Glance”. These documents help teachers align unit planning, and ensure we are covering the required TEKS in the time allotted to us. 

Keeping the desired learning outcome at the forefront of planning, ensures that teachers can truly give students the opportunities to meet these goals in an authentic way. I am hopeful that by planning with both the 3 Column Table and UbD Template, I will be able to provide students an authentic way to learn the required concepts in a way they will benefit from in their own lives.


Importance of Online Learning

     Online learning allows students to take a piece of ownership in their learning and have choice. It allows for student-centered learning and more effective differentiation! Students deserve learning that is specific to their needs. Teachers need to provide opportunities for students to solve authentic problems that they are passionate about. Teachers have to allow students to have a voice in their learning. Online learning allows for this! With the use of online learning and COVA (choice, ownership, voice, authentic learning), students have the opportunity to gain the skills they need to be lifelong, intrinsically motivated learners who will be successful in the 21st century. 


Enduring Understanding 

     In conclusion, online learning has many benefits and possibilities, but the teacher has to plan carefully and purposefully in order to get the best out of it. Electronic devices should be used as tools to enhance learning. With the correct balance, learning can transform to meet the needs of our 21st century learners. 

My OSCQR Course Scorecard

Successful Online Programs

  • Schoology - Learning Management System

  • Canvas - Learning Management System

  • Google Classroom - Learning Management System

  • ST-Math - Online Math Program 

  • I-Station - Online Reading Program

  • Lexia - Online Reading Program

  • BloomBoard - Online Professional Development

  • Zoom - Online Video Conferencing Program/Website

My Action Plan

In order to improve my course in the future I plan to: 

  • Add more opportunities for student collaboration and sharing of student found resources. 

  • Update syllabus with appropriate teacher response time. 

  • 24 hours for parent emails

  • Less than 24 hours for student emails, comments, messages, questions, etc. 

  • Add in rubrics and student examples. 

  • Add in a pre-quiz/pre-assessment to gage student background knowledge. 

  • Add in a feedback form at the end of the unit for students to voice ideas, possible changes, or likes. 

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