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Blended learning

As I progressed through the Disruptive Innovation in Technology 5305 course, I gained much knowledge about Disruptive Innovations and Blended Learning! By the end of the course, I was ready to put my new knowledge and ideas for my Innovation Plan into a clear vision that could be shared. It is my hope that I can inspire others within my organization to embrace change and innovation! I created this motivational video in the hopes that it will encourage others to join with me on this journey of innovation! 

Innovation Plan Proposal 

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Dear Mrs. Hernandez,


The way educators provide instruction has remained fairly stagnant over the past 100 years. We are now in the twenty-first century where learners are required to have critical thinking skills in order to be successful in higher education and their career. In a traditional setting classroom, teachers are unable to provide instruction that is student-centered and engaging for every student; furthermore, the task of differentiation for every student is enormous.


How can educators evolve their teaching practice in order to meet the needs of twenty-first century learners? The answer is: by implementing a blended learning model within their classroom! With the help of technology, educators can create a learning environment that is student-centered, engaging, truly differentiated, and which also fosters students’ critical thinking skills. If more schools implement blended learning, “the transformation could be breathtaking” for twenty-first century learners (Horn et al., 2011)!


I am proposing to implement the Station Rotation model of blended learning in my classroom in which:

  • Students will use their district created Schoology, ST-Math, and Lexia accounts when participating in rotation stations.

  • Students will use iPads, student laptops, and classroom desktops already provided by NISD.

  • Students will document their academic growth with on-going data charts that are posted in their Schoology accounts.


A Station Rotation model of blended learning will allow me to meet the needs of each individual student. I will be able to provide quality small group intervention for RTI students, reteach for students who need extra instruction on current units, and enrichment for my high academic/GT students. This will also allow students to become self-motivated learners who take pride and ownership in their learning.


I am excited to take on a different teaching method that will benefit all of my students. Mrs. Hernandez, I ask that you support my plan and consider the implementation of blended learning throughout our campus in the near future based on my findings. With the implementation of a successful blended learning environment, we can create life-long twenty-first century critical thinkers. Let’s lead the way of innovation together!

Sincerely, Nina Salinas


References: Horn, M. B., Staker, H., Hernandez, A., Hassel, B., & Ableidinger, J. (2011). The rise of k-12 blended learning.

Literature Review

The objective of this review is to analyze research to prove that the implementation of blended learning maximizes student engagement, boosts opportunities for student-centered learning, and increases students’ academic achievement in twenty-first century classrooms. If more schools implement blended learning, “the transformation could be breathtaking” for 21st century learners (Horn et al., 2011).

Implementation Outline

How will I do this? What are the steps that I will take? What will it look like?

View my implementation outline! 

Next Steps...

I believe it is important to continue learning about the opportunities innovations offer to educators. 

Here's what's next on my reading list for educational technology and Blended Learning.

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