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Influencing Change

     During the past couple of weeks, I have been learning about how people's voice, actions, and leadership has the ability to influence the behaviors of others in many different organizations. After the course readings and required videos, I have learned that in order to influence others to change, we have to speak to more than just their heart.


     When thinking about my innovation plan and outline, I have had to think about my desired outcomes, and how I can influence change with those who are in my organization. By doing this, I was able to identify three key vital behaviors I want to change first. With my desired outcome in mind and the three vital behaviors that I want to change, I was able to identify how I will collect data and my means of measurement. After identifying my desired outcome, vital behaviors, and measurement, I was able to use the Six Sources of Influence that will increase my chances of success of implementing my innovation plan. 

     Based upon these learnings, I am proposing a desired result of the implementation of Blended Learning with a Station Rotation model. Included are all aspects of my Influencing Change plan and my 6 Sources of Influence which looks at Motivation and Ability at Personal, Social, and Structural aspects. 


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Cross, Jeni. (2013). Three myths of behavior change - what you think you know that you don't. TEDxCSU. Retrieved from


Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: the new science of leading change. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


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Influence  the Change you want to see.

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