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  • Writer's pictureNina Salinas

Yo, This is the 21st Century!

We are now almost 20 years into the 21st century. In the big scheme of things that may not seem like much, but our world has changed significantly within this time. It makes me wonder

just how much further our world will progress in 80 more years. TBH I'm shook just thinking about it (🤯). But just how far can we really go if our educational system

is stuck in teaching students how they were in the 20th century?!

This leads me to one of my favorite quotes by John Dewey, "If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow."

The students we are teaching now will spend their adult lives living in the 21st century- so don't we think we should teach them how to be successful in it?! We need to prepare them for

their futures. In order to do this, we must rethink learning and teaching. Young children- our students, are intrinsically motivated and want to learn. They have unnumbered questions for us and the world around them. They are excited about the possibilities they can have. They are patient with the overwhelming and ever-changing technology around them.

We are stuck, though. We are stuck in a place between wanting to change and not feeling able to. Change is hard- especially for schools. Litchman says it himself, "schools are not the best at innovation" (2013). Although he says this, he also acknowledges that schools are trying. Schools have been able to the solve problem(s) they encounter as they move towards more student-centered learning environments. This is a step in the right direction! A step towards creating significant learning environments for students that foster a passion for learning, researching, and critical thinking. As educators, we need to help make steps in the right direction. We need to empower our students and be there to support them along the way!


Lichtman, G. [TEDx Talks]. (2013, March 20). What 60 schools can tell us about teaching 21st century skills [Video file]. Retrieved from

Macfound. (2010, December 01). Rethinking Learning: The 21st century learner | MacArthur Foundation. Retrieved from

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