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4 disciplines of execution

     When you are in the mix of your everyday life (or whirlwind), it is easy to forget about the goals you set for yourself. We tell ourselves we can push them to the following week or will revisit that at a different time, but that time never comes because we are stuck in the whirlwind of our daily tasks. 

     In order to support teachers on my campus achieve a Blended Learning model, it is important that I know my WHY, create an Influencer Plan, and establish a plan of execution using the 4dx process. Now that I have accomplished these things, I feel a little bit more at ease and have grown confidence in implementing a Blended Learning Innovation Plan within my 3rd grade PLC and campus. It is my hope that with the implementation of a Blended Learning Model with Station Rotations, we can target individual student needs, engage students to be intrinsically motivated to learn, and create life-long 21st century learners! 



Franklin, Covey. (2012, April 19). Executive overview of the 4 disciplines of execution [Video file]. Retrieved from


McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2016). The 4 disciplines of execution: achieving your wildly important goals. New York: Free Press.

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