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  • Writer's pictureNina Salinas

Real Talk

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

You're in the middle of team planning. When you share your idea and concerns with the team, another team member gets fired up. This conversation could go either way, but you know that you're about to have a crucial conversation.

Crucial conversations can happen at any moment, and you have to be prepared. It's important to use the crucial conversations process:

  1. Get Unstuck

  2. Start with the Heart

  3. Learn to Look

  4. Make it Safe

  5. Master My Stories

  6. STATE My Path

  7. Explore Other Paths

  8. Move to Action

Crucial conversations are bound to happen in the workforce, but how you proceed shows everything. It's important that you make all people feel safe and heard. All people's ideas and concerns are valid. How you address these concerns or questions will greatly impact the success of the conversation being held.

When thinking about making crucial conversations to implement my innovation plan for Blended Learning, I know I will have to focus on a few different things. I will have to make sure to be open, ask questions, and positive. This way I can have a better opportunity for a straight-forward crucial conversation with people I am trying to get to join me and my innovation. I will first have to have a crucial conversation with my administration about my goals and concerns, and then I will have to have crucial conversations with my teammates and gain their support and trust about trying something new.

It is my hope that by focusing on my WHY and HOW, I can have these crucial conversations openly with my colleagues and administration. This is something that may be out of my comfort zone (as I usually avoid any tough/critical conversations), but I know this is the only way to move forward with my plan!


Vital Smarts India. (2012, February 10). Crucial conversations explained in two minutes [Video file]. Retrieved from

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