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  • Writer's pictureNina Salinas

Your Digital Footprint

Technology has a vital impact on my life. Being born in the mid 1990's and considered a part of the "iGeneration", I have literally seen my world (and the world of my family and friends) change drastically due to emerging and forever evolving technology. Without technology, I truly do not think I could accomplish some of the simplest tasks. Things that used to take longer, for example: using a map for directions, research using a library or textbooks, having a flashlight readily available, etc. are now all done within my fingertips! It is truly hard to remember a time that my cellular device did not do most of my daily tasks for me. With such a dependence on my technology, the lack of it would turn my world upside down.

Technology has also played an important role in my students' learning. We are now able to use online learning programs to target student needs in reading, math, spelling, etc. Learning is now more individualized, engaging, and targeted to each students' needs. Without technology, my students would not be able to research real world topics and connections, have a sense of ownership in their learning, or communicate with those around them (teachers, peers, approved community members, etc).

Technology has also allowed for improved accommodations and enrichment for students. I have a student who used to struggle with writing, and he can now use Google Docs as an accommodation to help him be as successful as possible. This not only has helped him succeed, but has also improved his love for writing- a subject he once “hated.” On the other end, enrichment is something that was taken to the next level with project-based learning, research projects, and real-world applications!

A digital footprint is "one's unique set of digital activities, actions, and communications

that leave a data trace on the internet or on a computer or other digital device and can identify the particular user or device" ( I think the major difference between an intentional and unintentional digital footprint is just that- the intention. Without even realizing it, what we search, purchase, listen to, and even talk about can impact our unintentional digital footprint that is left behind, whereas when creating an intentional footprint we purposefully put information onto the internet to be searched at a later time. They will be a digital citizen for just about their entire lives.

In conclusion, technology has made a huge impact not only in our daily lives and tasks we have to complete, but also in the way we educate the students of the 21st century. While there are many benefits of being digitally engaged, we also have to remember to create a positive digital footprint whenever we are participating online. We have to be cognizant of the choices we make- things we post, purchase, view, look up, and even say around our devices. We also have to keep in mind that our digital footprints are how the digital world views us as individuals, and this is something that should be at the forefront when teaching our students.

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